Temple Garments. Changes my thoughts
I live in South Africa. I just received my new garments. I am menapousal and these garments are an answer to a need I didn't even know I had. The dress is so comfortable for hot nights. I am grateful for the changes that have been made. I have to change the way I see things and also my perceptions about modesty. I have been endowed for 34 years and have always strived to wear my garments. The last few years, as the heat of menapous has caused much discomfort, have been very challenging for me in respect to wearing temple garments, especially at night. I am grateful that the church is governed through revelation and that things can change. Change can only happen as quickly as our minds and the minds of our leaders can adapt to change. I often wonder how the early leaders of the church would react to a church meeting today as women wear their hair loose and don't cover their legs. Even a simple item of clothing like stockings (panithose) has caused consternation for some. Some believe that you can't wear a skirt without them. I personally do not agree with this. I don't like pantihose and don't wear them. Some might think this is immodest. Our sense of decency and modesty is changing as society changes. Trousers to church are another of the taboos that we will have to grapple with in the future. In my ward, most women wear dresses or skirts to church. This is one of the things that will change in the future as the younger generation challenges the ideas that have always been accepted. By the standards of the early church, we all would appear to be very immodest in how we dress and act. By the standards of the early church, we all would appear to be very immodest in how we dress and act. I am grateful that I have had the privilege of wearing temple garments. I have felt that they have been a protection to me each day as I wear them as a reminder of who I am and what I stand for. In the last general conference, the garment as a representation of Jesus Christ and the atonement stood out to me. This is a new concept for me but a welcome focus for me as I go through the challenges of daily life.
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