28 Jun 2021

I am following some bread crumbs that are placed before me and connecting the dots. What type of picture will these all form one I am done.

I watched a youtube video yesterday.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pQvM9ZY41k

In this video the presenter says that the beast with the labs horns represents the USA. I found the following news article from 2016 confirming that the Bison is now a symbol of the USA and also the bald eagle.


The bison becomes a symbol of the USA in 2016. This is the part from Revelations that the video referred to.

Revelation 13

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And adeceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those bmiracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.


I did some more searches on Bison and came up with the following:

  • In 1833, a white bison was killed by the Cheyenne. The Cheyenne killed this white bison during the Leonid Meteor Shower (The Night the Stars Fell) and scribed a peace and trade treaty on its skin. This event was documented by historian Josiah Gregg and other travelers on the Santa Fe Trail.[3]




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_buffalo in 1833 a white buffalo is killed.

This led me to the Leonids 13 Nov 1833 (10-12 nov).

This made me think about the church and if any thing significate happened in 1833.




The stars falling are mentioned in a letter to Joseph smith from P Prat.



The Saints in Jackson County, Missouri, were forced to leave the county. in 1833

Mobs in the public and private sector used force to drive individual Saints from Jackson to nearby counties within Missouri; eventually, Latter Day Saints were given until the end of November 6, 1833 to leave the county en masse. On November 23, 1833, the few remaining LDS residents were ordered to leave Jackson County.[11] By mid-1839, following the Missouri Mormon War, the LDS were driven from the state altogether, not to return to Jackson County or Missouri in significant numbers until 1867.



 From Parley P Pratts letter to Joseph:

I was encamped on the N. side of Missouri10 opposite Independenc[e] & it appeared to us that they shot off every way from us none comeing <​directly I​> down very near us that came very near the ground though it is said that they struck the ground in Independence & in other places round about, I viewed them for more than an hour before daylight & probably saw thousands, at one time in the N.E. there appeared probably 50 or 100 at one time they streamed down almost a[s] thick as rain you have seen <​that appears​> at a distance when the sun shone upon it.11 during this sight our people rejoiced but the worlds people were much frightened.



Partridge’s daughter Eliza later wrote,

“I saw the stars fall. They came down almost as thick as snow flakes and could be seen till the daylight hid them from sight. Some of our enemies thought the day of judgment had come and were very much frightened but the Saints rejoiced and considered it as one of the signs of the Latter days.” Jackson County resident Josiah Gregg concurred. He thought the meteor shower caused many of his neighbors “to wonder whether, after all, the Mormons might not be in the right; and whether this was not a sign sent from heaven as a remonstrance for the injustice they had been guilty of towards that chosen sect.” (Lyman, Journal, 9–10; Gregg, Commerce of the Prairies, 317–318.) 


Slavery in the USA: I also found this:https://www.angelfire.com/ar/freedmen/stars.html

"Somebody in the quarters started yellin' in the middle of the night to come out and to look up at the sky. We went outside and there they was a fallin' everywhere! Big stars coming down real close to the groun' and just before they hit the ground they would burn up! We was all scared. Some o' the folks was screamin', and some was prayin'. We all made so much noise, the white folks came out to see what was happenin'. They looked up and then they got scared, too.

"But then the white folks started callin' all the slaves together, and for no reason, they started tellin' some of the slaves who their mothers and fathers was, and who they'd been sold to and where. The old folks was so glad to hear where their people went. They made sure we all knew what happened.........you see, they thought it was Judgement Day."

·        1833 – President Jackson begins second term; Martin Van Buren becomes Vice President

·        1834 – Slavery debates at Lane Theological Seminary are one of the first major public discussions of the topic

·        1861 civil war

·        1865 slavery abolished

What I have learnt: The saints rejoiced and saw this as a positive omen. The slave owners thought it was judgement day and confessed where the slaves’ families where sent. The mousurians had doubts about what they had done.

How we view a natural event depends on our own consciences. When your conscience is clear you see things in a positive light, a good omen on the other hand if you have done evil, it will be a evil omen.

1834 was the start of the slave debate in the USA which eventually led to the civil war and the freeing of slaves.

There will be a meteor shower in November of this year. What will this mean for the world. Over the past few years there have been many special celestial events. We don’t seem to take notice of these or the significance they might have to us. We are disconnected to nature and the world we live in.




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