Thoughts on Marriage

Joanne got married on Friday so i have given a lot of thought to marriage over the past few week in the run up to the wedding.

The wedding was very beautiful.It is wonderful to see two people declare their love and commitment to each other in the eyes of the world, their family and Friends.

I know that sometimes things don't work out, but at least for one day everyone is happy and striving to an Ideal. Different marriages last for different duration, but most have a season of happiness. Some manage to hold on to that happiness for a little long then others. The aim of this game is to hang on to happiness for as long as possible.

To start a marriage with lots of ideal, exceptions and hopes is a good thing. We all hope for the best knowing in our hearts there is a possibility of success or failure. That possibility of success and hope for the future is what drives us to marry and seek the happiness it can bring. Marriage can also bring heartache and pain, but with hope for the young couple that this will not be the case. We hope they can beat the odds and be the one happy couple.

We put our money into things we believe in and that is why we spend a lot of money to celebrate this momentous occasion.

 Getting married is a rite of passage. It is an acknowledgement and bestowal of a status that was not there before. It is amazing to me as to how this ceremony changes the status of the man and woman who make this sacred vow in the eye of family, friends and the law. Just living together does not have the same status as being married, as having a husband or wife.

This status comes with privileges and responsibilities. Marriages form stable families, the building blocks of society. The more who stay married the more stable the societies they belong to. The best community service we can give is to build a strong stable marriage.


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