
telepathy tapes

I just finished listening to this and I have lots of thoughts and questions.  In my youth I was fascinated by the concept of telepathy and I believed it existed. Now with this is podcast is making me revisit those ideas. Michael said that Cory would be telepathic. This podcast has made me wonder about Cory and Michael. Is Michael telepathic. Is mike on the spectrum. Do high functioning autistics have telepathic ability. He claimed to have heard Cory when she was still in Sam's womb. I love Cory very much and love spending time with her. I also believe that she will be able to communicate in some way.  Does telepathy tap into a forbidden relm.

Christmas 2025

Its been busy, with lots of people. I have enjoyed spending time with family and friends. I often think of life like the beating of a drum and we follow the beat of the year. December is the time of ending and January the new beginning. it was good to spend time with grand children. its felt good to see a smile on Sinus face. Cory look so cute. She slept through Christmas.