
Visiting the Rabbit hole

 Today is a rabbit hole day. Rain Memories Tree fairy passwords 1305 light temperature wish list Wishes that come true- be careful what you wish for Charity and ingratitude Be patient in your afflictions I can buy myself flowers. Mylie Cyrus--- I am responsibly for my own happiness, I can take care of myself, self reliant self sufficient Breast feeding Mother hood Mother and child, a sacred time disciple  don't hit the children be patient and understanding

Birth defects and trials

2. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him John 9:2-3 New Testament Scriptures

Israel- Let God Prevail

  Jacob wrestles with the man. He See god face to face Names and the significance  Names are part of the covenant Jacob asks for a blessing….what is the word used here Jacob is asked his name. He is given a new name…Israel….let god prevail.   Jacob let god prevail in his wrestle…,is this an idiom. And a promise. He then asks the name of the man. The man does not tell him… The first part of the covenant, but the second part is not there yet… is for this dispensation. Choose one thing to do each day to show you follow God. One thing at a time One by one


 I wrote about Luna on this Blog but I haven't added anything about Aurora. Both Luna and Aurora are beautiful and clever.  Aurora is very affectionate. she is grateful and often says Thank you and I love you. She loves to share her food and is very generous.  She is strong, imaginative, happy and healthy.

My other blog

 I have another blog that I would like to link here. Some of the entries might seem strange to some people and I suppose that is why I have done it because these are my ideas and thoughts which are sometime strange and different. I wonder if anyone will find my blog interesting? Inspired by Alice in wonderland This is an interesting article I found
28 Jun 2021 I am following some bread crumbs that are placed before me and connecting the dots. What type of picture will these all form one I am done. I watched a youtube video yesterday. In this video the presenter says that the beast with the labs horns represents the USA. I found the following news article from 2016 confirming that the Bison is now a symbol of the USA and also the bald eagle. The bison becomes a symbol of the USA in 2016. This is the part from Revelations that the video referred to. Revelation 13 11  And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12  And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first

220 lord I would follow thee

220 lord I would follow thee.  Savior, may I learn to love thee, Walk the path that thou hast shown, Pause to help and lift another, Finding strength beyond my own. Savior, may I learn to love thee— Lord, I would follow thee. 2. Who am I to judge another When I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden Sorrow that the eye can’t see. Who am I to judge another? Lord, I would follow thee. 3. I would be my brother’s keeper; I would learn the healer’s art. To the wounded and the weary I would show a gentle heart. I would be my brother’s keeper— Lord, I would follow thee. 4. Savior, may I love my brother As I know thou lovest me, Find in thee my strength, my beacon, For thy servant I would be. Savior, may I love my brother— Lord, I would follow thee. This is the hymn that was in my mind this morning. I often have hy